The giraffe was so big that there was no way they could have missed him. Paul Deen, a park ranger, had many questions because giraffes don’t typically get this obese. In order to get a better look at the giraffe’s condition, he made the decision to drive up closer to it. He was astounded by what he witnessed.
Ranger Paul was aware of his limitations. Since he didn’t deal with situations like this every day, he wasn’t equipped to handle the scenario. In order to see whether he could help the giraffe, he made the decision to give one of his veterinarian connections a call. He appeared to be in need of assistance. Paul hoped he would arrive in time to assist the unfortunate giraffe.
Paul was employed at one of Africa’s largest national parks, Kafue National Park in Zambia. The Kafue River flows through the park from north to south, and it is well-known for its profusion of animals. It occupies a sizable portion of western Zambia. He was really fortunate to have located the giraffe in this enormous park. Was it still possible to save it, though?